I'm sure you're aware of all this new fasting research for longevity. What's the research saying about the benefits and who's most apt to benefit from occasional fasts?
1. It can increase mitochondrial health of each cell in your body. If we remember from way back in science class, our mitochondria is the power house of our cells. It's where a very important component for energy is produced called, ATP. Improved mitochondria=more energy. I think we all agree this is very beneficial in our demanding lifestyles we live.
2. It decreases overall inflammation throughout the body. To be honest, anyone living in the modern world has some degree of inflammation. This could help reduce chronic health disease risk, as well as increase longevity potential.
3. Fasting can help our microbiome, which are those great helpers that live throughout our digestive tracts helping to digest our food for energy, boosting our immune systems (70% of immunity is housed within our digestive traces), and making important vitamins such as vitamin k, b vitamins, and essential short-chain fatty acids that keep the integrity of our digestive system healthy.
4. Autophagy is increased. Autophagy is our bodies method of cleaning up dead cells that need to be destroyed for better health and function in all organs of the body.
The key to fasting is deciding a method that works for you and your lifestyle without much added stress. The most important thing to remember during a fast is that autophagy is stimulated by high fat, and very little protein. Staying well hydrated is very important to keep the body feeling well, while removing the compounds out that your body is trying to clean-up. I typically will do a 12 hour nightly fast, keeping my dinner 3 hours away from bedtime. 16:8 is another popular method, where you fast 16 hours and eat for 8 within a 24 hour cycle.
One product that makes fasting easy and my practice supports is Prolon, the 5 day fast-mimicking diet. This plan you can purchase from me and it takes the guess work out of it by giving you all the plant based nutrition you require to gain the above benefits mentioned without feeling deprived. If interested give me a call or shoot an e-mail to get started.
Those that should avoid fasting are those prone to or have a history of an eating disorder, pregnant or lactating mothers. Other than those groups, fast on and heal your body!
References: https://prolonpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/a-revolution-is-coming-april-2018.pdf
1. It can increase mitochondrial health of each cell in your body. If we remember from way back in science class, our mitochondria is the power house of our cells. It's where a very important component for energy is produced called, ATP. Improved mitochondria=more energy. I think we all agree this is very beneficial in our demanding lifestyles we live.
2. It decreases overall inflammation throughout the body. To be honest, anyone living in the modern world has some degree of inflammation. This could help reduce chronic health disease risk, as well as increase longevity potential.
3. Fasting can help our microbiome, which are those great helpers that live throughout our digestive tracts helping to digest our food for energy, boosting our immune systems (70% of immunity is housed within our digestive traces), and making important vitamins such as vitamin k, b vitamins, and essential short-chain fatty acids that keep the integrity of our digestive system healthy.
4. Autophagy is increased. Autophagy is our bodies method of cleaning up dead cells that need to be destroyed for better health and function in all organs of the body.
The key to fasting is deciding a method that works for you and your lifestyle without much added stress. The most important thing to remember during a fast is that autophagy is stimulated by high fat, and very little protein. Staying well hydrated is very important to keep the body feeling well, while removing the compounds out that your body is trying to clean-up. I typically will do a 12 hour nightly fast, keeping my dinner 3 hours away from bedtime. 16:8 is another popular method, where you fast 16 hours and eat for 8 within a 24 hour cycle.
One product that makes fasting easy and my practice supports is Prolon, the 5 day fast-mimicking diet. This plan you can purchase from me and it takes the guess work out of it by giving you all the plant based nutrition you require to gain the above benefits mentioned without feeling deprived. If interested give me a call or shoot an e-mail to get started.
Those that should avoid fasting are those prone to or have a history of an eating disorder, pregnant or lactating mothers. Other than those groups, fast on and heal your body!
References: https://prolonpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/a-revolution-is-coming-april-2018.pdf